Antiques, Tractors, Equipment, Parts, Signs, Repair Shop, Tools & More Online Only Plainview, Tx - Assiter Auctioneers

Antiques, Tractors, Equipment, Parts, Signs, Repair Shop, Tools & More Online Only Plainview, Tx

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Assiter Auctioneers has been commissioned to liquidate the  Olson Living Estate Absolute & Unreserved Including  Antique Tractors, Implements & Steel Wheels, New Old Stock & Used Tractor Parts, Lawn & Garden Tractors, Shredders, Loader Attachments, Blades, Post Hole Digger, Tires, Wheels, Trucks & Autos, Trailers, Forklifts, Compressors, Wind Generators, Hit & Miss Engines, Lube Tanks, Oil Cans, Hand Torches, Wood Crates, Anvil, Jacks, Service Station & Porcelain Signs, Racks, Displays, Primitives, Yard Art, Collectibles, Inboard & Outboard Motors, Scales, Engines, Shop Equipment, Lathes, Hones, Valve Grinders, Welders, Torches, Hand & Power Tools and More.


**UPCOMING AUCTION  Large Inventory NOS & Used Tractor & Implement Parts, Pistons, Rod & Main Bearings, Seats, Ignition & Spark Plugs, Radiators, Hoods, Fenders, Sheet Metal, Wheels, Magnetos, Carburetors, Shelves, Racks & Displays, Toy Tractors, Literature, Manuals, **DATE PENDING**